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Re: clear terminal after display of less, <, and apropos

Roland> On Oct 14, 11:33pm, Roland Jesse wrote:
Roland> Subject: clear terminal after display of less, <, and apropos
Roland> Whenever I display some information with '< blurb' the
Roland> terminal gets cleared immediately after I quit the pager
Roland> (more). The same happens after executing an 'apropos' command.

I have been using the following zsh function to get rid off the 'ti'
and the 'te' feature from the termcap definition.

function notite {
	 TERMCAP=$(printenv TERMCAP | sed 's/:ti=[^:]*//; s/:te=[^:]*//;')

So if you're using something like color_xterm, you will not lose other
features by switching TERM to vt100.

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