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Re: Problem running zsh on WinNT 4.0

On Feb 12,  9:49am, Larry P . Schrof wrote:
} Subject: Re: Problem running zsh on WinNT 4.0
} I believe that should be called .zprofile instead of profile.zsh if you
} want it automatically read at zsh startup. 

This part is correct.

} If the RCS option is unset, however, somewhere in /etc/zshenv, then the
} file WON'T be read, even if it is named correctly. (I'll be honest,
} I haven't looked at zsh on NT - functionality could be different
} as far as what startup files are read.)

Assuming you're using Amol Deshpande's zsh port, it will indeed read the
files \etc\zshenv, \etc\zshrc, etc. if you create a \etc directory on your
default drive (e.g. C:\etc).

It also reads $HOME\.zshenv, $HOME\.zshrc, etc., where HOME has to be set
in the environment by using the NT user account manager (use the option to
assign the user a home directory, don't just add HOME to the environment).

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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