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RE: (forw) --help able programs and completion]

> What I was expecting, for some reason, was that menu
> selection would start
> immediately if there were more than N matches, not wait for
> the second TAB
> that triggers automenu.  I.e., I want automenu (two TAB)
> behavior if there
> are fewer than N matches, and menu-select (one TAB) behavior
> for N or more.
> I don't know how I got the idea in my head that select=N by
> itself works
> that way.  Is there a configuration that does work that way?

Sounds interesting. Actually, it looks like more general form of menu
style ... currently we can set it so, that menu selection starts when
matches do not fit on screen; more general style would allow exactly
what you want.

I am perfectly sure it is a matter of one line in the _main_complete; I
just looked where select=long is looked up - should be the right place.


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