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Re: vim bindings from nowhere

On Mar 29,  4:25pm, Jeff Shipman wrote:
> Subject: vim bindings from nowhere
> Somewhere my zsh terminals are getting vim
> keybindings out of nowhere.

Could you explain what "getting vim keybindings" means?

Do you mean that ZLE behaves entirely like vi, or do you mean that
somehow keys in the emacs mode are becoming bound to vim-like sequences?

On the presumption that it's the former:

> [...] the only difference
> between the two are some variables in my
> .zshrc that don't seem like they should
> affect my keybindings.

Are any of those variables named EDITOR or VISUAL, by any chance?

If EDITOR or VISUAL contains the substring "vi", then ZLE starts up with
the vi mode bindings, otherwise it starts up with emacs mode.

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