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RE: Prompt themes

>   Going through all those directories reminded me of another zsh feature
> I used to have that for some reason stopped working at some point.  I
> used to be able to do something like:
> % cd /u/s/z/4/f/M<tab>
>   ...and wind up with...
> % cd /usr/share/zsh/4.0.6/functions/Misc
>   ...but not any more.  I've been fishing around the manpages and Google
> for "zsh complete multiple directories" and "zsh complete directory
> tree" and "zsh complete pathname" with no success.  I assume the change
> happened when I went from compctl to zstyle...does anybody know the
> appropriate incantation to get this back? 

You mean it ever worked with compctl?!?

The simplest thing is to do

autoload -U compinstall; compinstall

and it will guide you through setting up new completion system. To activate
it, it is

autoload -U compinit; compinit

but there are a lot of options you can tweak ...


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