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Re: Prompt themes

* Clemens Fischer <ino-qc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2003-02-03 12:24:45 +0100]:
> admit it:  you're never really done  :)

  Haha well, when I said "at the end", I was referring to the point
where everything is working as expected.  Further enhancements from
there, of course, are an ongoing process...  :)
  By the way, I figured out what the problem was, and I'm sure this will
come as a surprise to almost nobody: it was my $FPATH setting.  It must
have been incomplete or something, because when I commented it out of my
.zshrc and logged back in, completion of all types (including the
multi-directory stuff I was referring to) worked as expected.  So I did
a "echo $FPATH", copied its response back into my .zshrc, prepended
$HOME/.zsh/functions, and I'm good to go!  :) 

 John Buttery
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