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Re: Tab completion and '{'

[Bart Schaefer]

> The expansion of brace expressions is handled in the builtin
> commands that support compsys, e.g. "comptry".  And within
> "comptry", there is no test of the IGNORE_BRACES setopt that I
> can see, so effectively the brace handling behavior is hardwired
> in at a low level and cannot be turned off.

I appreciate you telling me about this, even if it doesn't work
in current versions of zsh.  Thinking that such a specific feature
would, at best, be configurable with zstyle and not deemed worthy
of its own option, I didn't even bother with zshoptions(1).

But since the option actually /does/ exist, and is now known to be
broken, one might hope for a bugfix in the near future, right? :-)


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