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Re: Asking ZSH: How are you ?

On Jul 10,  6:30am, Meino Christian Cramer wrote:
} Subject: Re: Asking ZSH: How are you ?
}   alias 
}  given on the commandline gives me a lot more aliasses defined as
}  reported by "reporter all" (only dumps two aliasses)

Let me guess:

alias run-help=man
alias which-command=whence

I suspect you're not using reporter correctly.  Those are the two built-
in aliases.

You can't run "reporter" as a shell script. (Well, you can, but it won't
give the correct results; it'll tell you what's in your /etc/zshenv, and
not much else.)  It has to be either read into the current shell with
the "." or "source" commands, or autoloaded and then run as a shell


    source reporter aliases

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