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Re: the konsole title bar

On Sunday 29 July 2007, Paolo Massimo wrote:
> On Saturday 28 July 2007 21:00:19 William Scott wrote:
> >  dcop "$KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION" renameSession  foo
> > does this.  Unfortunately, it also puts the same junk in the title bar,
> That is not an issue, having the same string on the title bar anf the tab
> is good.
> The problem is that string increases ita length by doubling the current
> directory name and adding 'Konsole', after the vim session has been closed.
> Thank you for having written the original script, anyway.
> I have tried to change titles by the command
>    print -nP -u2 '\033]0;\a'
> as Andrey Borzenkov suggested, yet closing the vim session yields the same
> result.

I still cannot exactly reproduce your result, but this is what I am using for 

precmd () {
        print -Pn "\e]0;\a"
        dcop $KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION renameSession "$(print -nP -u1 '%n@%m:

where __prompt_dir_len is computed somewhere else. The first line ensures any 
existing window titile is cleared. May be you have something else that 
changes title after pecmd is run?

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