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Re: Completion problems on cygwin when nocaseglob is set

I'm very confused.  Running zsh built from the latest CVS sources,
here's what I see:

zsh -f
$ mount -p
Prefix              Type         Flags
/                   system       binmode
$ cd /c
$ ls -dF [dD]*
Documents and Settings/  dell/  dell.sdr*
$ cd d<TAB>

    completes to dell. This is correct so far.

$ setopt nocaseglob
$ ls -dF d*
Documents and Settings/  dell/  dell.sdr*

    Correct again.

$ cd d<TAB>
    again completes to dell.  Shouldn't this give me a choice between:
    dell and Documents\ and\ Settings ?

$ ls a*
$ ls a<TAB>
    just beeps at me.

and finally,
$ autoload compinit
$ compinit
    has no effect, i.e.
$ ls a<TAB>
    still just beeps at me.

Before John started asking questions about case-insensitive
completion, I hadn't noticed this behavior because I have been using
this workaround:

zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}'

but isn't setopt nocaseglob meant to obviate the need for that?


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