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Completion for ethtool

Note: in _arp completion I've changed:

_wanted hosts expl 'host' compadd ${${${(f)"$(${words[1]} -a)"}##[ ?(]#}%%[ )]*}


_wanted hosts expl 'host' compadd ${${${(f)"$(${words[1]} -an)"}##[ ?(]#}%%[ )]*}

because arp -a without -n for more entries is very slow due to many DNS
lookups. I suppose this change wouldn't be nice for everyone, so how to
make this configurable? Should I introduce some new zstyle?

And ethtool attached.

Tomasz Pala <gotar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
#compdef ethtool

local -a cmds

if [[ $CURRENT -ge 4 ]]; then
	case $words[CURRENT-1]; in
		if [[ $words[2] = '-G' ]] && _message -e n 'number of ring entries' || _wanted -x onoff expl 'enabled' compadd off on
		_wanted -x onoff expl 'enabled' compadd off on
		_message -e n 'number'
		_wanted -x speed expl 'speed' compadd 10 100 1000
		_wanted -x duplex expl 'duplex mode' compadd half full
		_wanted -x port expl 'device port' compadd tp aui bnc mii
		_wanted -x xcvr expl 'transceiver type' compadd internal external
		_values -s '' 'Wake-on-LAN options' \
			'(d)p[Wake on phy activity]' \
			'(d)u[Wake on unicast messages]' \
			'(d)m[Wake on multicast messages]' \
			'(d)b[Wake on broadcast messages]' \
			'(d)a[Wake on ARP]' \
			'(d)g[Wake on MagicPacket(tm)]' \
			'(d)s[Enable SecureOn(tm) password for MagicPacket(tm)]' \
			'(p u m b a g s)d[Disable (wake on nothing)]'
		_message -e secureon 'password - 6 bytes in ethernet MAC hex format (xx:yy:zz:aa:bb:cc)'
	case $words[2]; in
		_values -S ' ' -w 'pause options' \
			'autoneg[Specify if pause autonegotiation is enabled]' \
			'rx[Specify if RX pause is enabled]' \
			'tx[Specify if TX pause is enabled]'
		_values -S ' ' -w 'coalescing settings' \
			'adaptive-rx' 'adaptive-tx' \
			'rx-usecs' 'rx-frames' 'rx-usecs-irq' 'rx-frames-irq' \
			'tx-usecs' 'tx-frames' 'tx-usecs-irq' 'tx-frames-irq' \
			'stats-block-usecs' \
			'pkt-rate-low' \
			'rx-usecs-low' 'rx-frames-low' \
			'tx-usecs-low' 'tx-frames-low' \
			'pkt-rate-high' \
			'rx-usecs-high' 'rx-frames-high' \
			'tx-usecs-high' 'tx-frames-high' \
		_values -S ' ' -w 'ring parameters' \
			'rx[Change number of ring entries for the RX ring]' \
			'rx-mini[Change number of ring entries for the RX Mini ring]' \
			'rx-jumbo[Change number of ring entries for the RX Jumbo ring]' \
			'tx[Change number of ring entries for the TX ring]'
		_values -S ' ' -w 'register dump options' \
			'raw[dump raw register data]'
		_values -S ' ' -w 'EEPROM dump options' \
			'raw[dump raw EEPROM data]' \
			'offset[dump certain portions of the EEPROM]' \
			'length[dump certain portions of the EEPROM]'
		_values -S ' ' -w 'EEPROM values' \
			'magic[device-specific key]' \
			'offset[select byte]' \
			'value[new value]'
		_values -S ' ' -w 'offload options' \
			'rx[Specify if RX checksumming is enabled]' \
			'tx[Specify if TX checksumming is enabled]' \
			'sg[Specify if scatter-gather is enabled]' \
			'tso[Specify if tcp segmentation offload is enabled]'
		if [[ $CURRENT -eq 4 ]] && _message -e length 'seconds'
		_values -S ' ' -w 'selftest option' \
			'(online)offline:perform full set of tests possibly causing normal operation interruption (default)]' \
			'(offline)online:perform limited set of tests do not interrupting normal adapter operation]'
		_values -S ' ' -w 'change setting' \
			'speed[Set speed in Mb/s]' \
			'duplex[Set full or half duplex mode]' \
			'port[Select device port]' \
			'autoneg[Specify if autonegotiation is enabled]' \
			'phyad[PHY address]' \
			'xcvr[Select transceiver type]' \
			'wol[Set Wake-on-LAN options]' \
			'sopass[Set the SecureOn(tm) password]' \
			'msglvl[Set the driver message level]'

cmds=(-h -a -A -c -C -g -G -i -d -e -E -k -K -p -r -S -t -s)

_arguments \
	"($cmds)1:interface:_net_interfaces" \
	"($cmds 1)-h[shows a short help message]" \
	"($cmds)-a[queries the specified ethernet device for pause parameter information]" \
	"($cmds)-A[change the pause parameters of the specified ethernet device]" \
	"($cmds)-c[queries the specified ethernet device for coalescing information]" \
	"($cmds)-C[change the coalescing settings of the specified ethernet device]" \
	"($cmds)-g[queries the specified ethernet device for RX/TX ring parameter information]" \
	"($cmds)-G[change the RX/TX ring parameters of the specified ethernet device]" \
	"($cmds)-i[queries the specified ethernet device for associated driver information]" \
	"($cmds)-d[retrieves and prints a register dump for the specified ethernet device]" \
	"($cmds)-e[retrieves and prints an EEPROM dump for the specified ethernet device]" \
	"($cmds)-E[Changes EEPROM byte for the specified ethernet device]" \
	"($cmds)-k[queries the specified ethernet device for offload information]" \
	"($cmds)-K[change the offload parameters of the specified ethernet device]" \
	"($cmds)-p[initiates adapter-specific action intended to identify the adapter by sight]" \
	"($cmds)-r[restarts auto-negotiation on the specified ethernet device]" \
	"($cmds)-S[queries the specified ethernet device for NIC- and driver-specific statistics]" \
	"($cmds)-t[executes adapter selftest on the specified ethernet device]" \
	"($cmds)-s[allows changing some or all settings of the specified ethernet device]" \
	'*:' && ret=0

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