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Re: alternative method for a simple for

On Tuesday 15 September 2009 05:54:19 d.henman wrote:

Maybe you want to use the short version of for. It's rather short

  for file (*wav) ffmpeg -b 160k -i $file $file:r.mp3


  for file (*wav) { ffmpeg -b 160k -i $file $file:r.mp3 }

That's short and clear syntax.

> Background:
> I was just playing around and trying to find an alternative way to
>  accomplish the following simple for loop:
> $  for file in *.wav
> for>      do
> for>      ffmpeg -b 160k -i $file  ${file:r}.mp3
> for>      done
> (Method 1.) Note that I could not not use this method as shown below
>   $ zmv -p ffmpeg -o " -b 160k -i" '(*).wav' '$1.mp3'
> because it puts two hypens, "--", between -i and filename, as below:
>      ffmpeg -b 160k -i -- song1.wav song1.mp3
>      ffmpeg -b 160k -i -- song2.wav song2.mp3
> --------
> (Method 2.) Likewise I could not use zargs, yet at least,
>      because replacements or expansions //l/r or :r didn't seem to
>  work..
> $ zargs --replace=arg -e.. -- *.wav .. ffmpeg -b 160k -i arg
>  ${${file::=arg}//.wav/.mp3}
> produces:
>      ffmpeg -b 160k -i song1.wav  song1.wav
>      ffmpeg -b 160k -i song2.wav  song2.wav
> and both of
> $ zargs --replace=arg -e.. -- *.wav .. echo -b 160k -i arg
>  ${${file::=arg}:r}.mp3 and
> $ zargs --replace=arg -e.. -- *.wav .. echo -b 160k -i arg arg.mp3
> produces the below with .mp3 appended, but .wav not taken off first.
>      ffmpeg -b 160k -i Chaos-Voices-Music.wav
>  Chaos-Voices-Music.wav.mp3 ffmpeg -b 160k -i Dave-s_Song-Part_2.wav
>  Dave-s_Song-Part_2.wav.mp3
> I can't help thinking that zargs could handle this if someway, but I
>  don't know how to yet.   Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions.
> Thanks,
>   Darel Henmanm

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