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Re: Command not found handler for non-searched commands?

On Sun, 29 Apr 2012, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

On Sun, 29 Apr 2012, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

On Sun, 29 Apr 2012, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

> I use autocd quite a bit. And often the first thing I want to do > when starting a new project is to create a directory and cd into > it. I tried creating the following command_not_found_handler: > Okay. Different tack, different problem:
Final solution ended up as the following [...]:

preexec {
# ... etc.

trap '
local dir= create=
set -- ${=__last_command}
(( $# == 1 )) || return 1
[[ $1 == */* ]] || return 1
read -q "create?Create $dir [y/N]? " || return 1
mkdir -p $dir || return 1
cd $dir

Still talking to myself, but in case someone else follows my lead, I found fairly quickly that this wreaks havoc on unrelated non-zero error codes. (e.g. `false ; echo yay` does not echo 'yay').

After reading the section from the manual on:

trap '' ZERR

yet again, I realized I shouldn't be calling 'return' explicitly (because it returns from the calling context). So, I'm now at:

preexec {
	# ... etc.

trap '
	local dir= choose=
	set -- ${=__last_command}
	if (( $# == 1 )) && [[ $1 == */* ]] ; then
		if read -q "choose?Create $1 [y/N]? " ; then
			if mkdir -p $dir ; then
				cd $dir

This still feels substantially heavier-weight than the command_not_found_handler I'd been hoping for. But, it seems to be working.


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