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Function not found


I have a function I use to connect to remote hosts. I call my function _ssh:

_ssh() {
    ssh -XC "czechar@$@"

I keep my functions in a directory under my home dir. I call the directory
.zfuncs. I read my functions in my .zshrc via autoload and add them to my

autoload -- ~/.zfunc/[^_]*(:t)
fpath=( ~/.zfunc $fpath )

But when I try to use _ssh, zsh tells me:

Grendel:czech:~> _ssh adc2201650
zsh: correct '_ssh' to 'ssh' [nyae]?

I thought I had told zsh not to correct my spelling for ssh via:

alias ssh='nocorrect ssh'

The function was working without issue until I ran compinstall. I have
commented out the lines added to my .zshrc by compinstall, but the problem

Any ideas on what the problem is here?

Thanks in advance.


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