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Re: Does the bash bug have a zsh counterpart?

On Thu, 25 Sep 2014 09:35:01 -0700
"William G. Scott" <wgscott@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Does any version of zsh have the same issue as bash, reported eg at
> <http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/09/bug-in-bash-shell-creates-big-security-hole-on-anything-with-nix-in-it/>

No, search the zsh-workers archive at www.zsh.org for the last day or

> I was thinking of temporarily replacing sh and bash on OS X with zsh
> until a security fix is offered.

If so, make sure you alias it to sh or otherwise cause it to come up in
POSIX mode.

Dash might be a better bet as it's more widely used for such things.


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