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Re: ls -l *(/)...

On Jun 22,  7:59pm, lists@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
} Subject: Re: ls -l *(/)...
} > ls */*
} > 
} > gives 
} > 
} > directory:
} > file1
} > file2
} > file3
} Well, here, the output is exactly like how you want it (do you have `ls`
} being some alias?).

I suspect Meino actually has more than one level of directory under the
current one, despite his original description.  Or he's not executing
the "ls" at the level of the heirarchy that we think he is.

    print -c */*

might be what is wanted here.  Or possibly

    ls -ld */*

or maybe even

    ls -ld */*/*

The problem description isn't very clear.

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