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Re: 3 years of coding Zsh

Sebastian Gniazdowski wrote on Sun, 17 Jun 2018 14:41 +0200:
> I've updated PayPal button, it is in English and USD now. It's located
> on the top of Fast-Syntax-Highlighting page:
> https://github.com/zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting

Sebastian, it is not acceptable to use this mailing list as an
advertisement vehicle for one's personal bank account.  I will not
dissect whether you have already crossed the line or are merely
flirting with it; I will simply ask you not to solicit donations again
on this list.

I seem to remember you have an IRC channel for your plugins.  The
/topic of that channel would be a fine place to solicit donations on.
You must remember that this list is not your personal blog slash
billboard; it is a symposium of the entire zsh community.

> The URL pointed by the button is:
> Any donation will be used for Zsh development,currently to uplift
> Fast-Syntax-Highlighting.

[Disclosure: I am a co-maintainer of z-sy-h, of which fast-syntax-
highlighting is a fork and competitor.  Having said that...]

Let's be absolutely clear here: fast-syntax-highlighting is a third
party project, of which Sebastian is AFAIK the sole maintainer.
Fast-syntax-highlighting is not in any way, shape, or form part of
zsh.  Fast-syntax-highlighting is not endorsed by zsh.  None of that is
anticipated to change.

As such, sir, your description of the donations as "will be used for zsh
development" is, at best, misleading: those moneys would NOT be used
for development of zsh itself.


  P.S. To be clear, I don't mind one bit whether your personal projects
       have donations buttons on them... so long as the use of the
       donations is correctly described.

P.P.S. If someone actually wants to donate "to zsh development", send
       your money to whichever person, organization, or bitcoin address
       pws endorses.

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