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Re: rxvt completion

On Mon 4 Nov 2019 21:04,
dana <dana@xxxxxxx> put forth the proposition:
> On 4 Nov 2019, at 16:09, Dave Woodfall <dave@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > If I submit a patch for rxvt completion, would it be accepted, as it
> > would mean removing rxvt from _urxvt's compdef?
> >
> > I'm guessing that some *nixes out there rename urxvt to rxvt?
> Debian and its derivatives do (or it goes by both names at least).
> Usually when there are different implementations of a tool with the same name,
> you use _pick_variant and/or check $OSTYPE to determine which one to complete
> for. Depending on how similar they are, you might keep them both in the same
> function, or make them separate and conditionally call one from the other. I'm
> not sure which is better for rxvt (do they still have a lot of shared options
> or are they completely different?), but if you grep the repo for _pick_variant
> you'll see lots of examples you can borrow from
> dana

Thanks, I'll look for that.  A quick grep shows quite a few
_pick_variant and $OSTYPE in /usr/share/zsh/5.6.2/functions/ so I
should be able to put something together.

> do they still have a lot of shared options or are they completely
> different?)

There are some options that are the same, but urxvt has many more.


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