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Re: z-sy-h and z-asug: zle-line-pre-redraw, POSTDISPLAY, coexistence (was: Re: emulate bash key bindings)

pt., 10 sty 2020, 19:45 użytkownik Roman Perepelitsa <
roman.perepelitsa@xxxxxxxxx> napisał:

> I wasn't able to find an existing library to do this. z-sy-h's main
> highlighter isn't factored out, so I cannot reuse it. I also want
> something a bit more precise and performant. On the plus side my goal
> is more modest than z-sy-h. I only need to extract "command" words.
> For example, given this zsh code:
>   () { sudo foo bar && baz }
> I want to get "sudo" "foo" and "baz".

You might check out zshelldoc.

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