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Re: mnemonic 'ENTER' with zcurses

On Sun, Jan 7, 2024 at 3:54 PM Ray Andrews <rayandrews@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This is a pretty trivial matter but 'zcurses input' returns all sorts of
> helpful mnemonics like 'NPAGE', 'DOWN', 'PRESSED1' and so on.  Where are
> these defined?

You found the correct manual page, they're defined by the ncurses library.

> However that page includes 'ENTER'
> for the predictable thing, but zcurses seems to return no mnemonic for
> that, it's ugly old: " $'\n' ".

I'm not an expert on this, but I believe in this case ENTER means the
key on the keypad, usually but not always on the outside column
underneath "+" and to the right of "3".  This is not the same as the
key sometimes also called "return" to the right "jkl;'" on a qwerty
board, which does not have a mnemonic in this set.  It's possible
those two keys are mapped to the same thing by your terminal emulator,
which would make curses unable to distinguish them.

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