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Re: mnemonic 'ENTER' with zcurses
- X-seq: zsh-users 29433
- From: Ray Andrews <rayandrews@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- To: zsh-users@xxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: mnemonic 'ENTER' with zcurses
- Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2024 17:08:47 -0800
- Archived-at: <https://zsh.org/users/29433>
- In-reply-to: <CAH+w=7ZHKMrDbHUTwGZMuMAmNW+2H5ORLDMhc+RbY1EC-kROMA@mail.gmail.com>
- List-id: <zsh-users.zsh.org>
- References: <44f0d2b0-cf76-499b-b172-d7c5c1d00b03@eastlink.ca> <CAH+w=7ZHKMrDbHUTwGZMuMAmNW+2H5ORLDMhc+RbY1EC-kROMA@mail.gmail.com>
On 2024-01-07 16:50, Bart Schaefer
I'm not an expert on this, but I believe in this case ENTER means the
key on the keypad,
What we used to call the grey keys. Yup, that returns ENTER. So
they're unique here. Ok then, no mnemonic for '\n' then. Seems
like an omission but it is what it is. Nothing to cry about.
Thanks Bart.
I was fooling around in one of my functions seeing if I could
capture mouse movement, but the doc says no. Only when a click or
a scroll event happens is the cursor location reportable.
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