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array filtering

I'm getting better at various filterings but this one eludes me:

arr=( /dira/${1}/dirb/ /dirc/A${1}B/dird/ /dire/${1}/ /dirf/C${1}D/ )

... it's pretty fussy, but I want to filter out the first and second elements.  The test is that for a list of directories, for an element to be retained the argument ($1) may be an exact directory name, or a partial directory name, but it must be the last directory.  Not sure if I'm expressing that correctly. No subdirectories may follow the matched name, be it exact or partial.

arr=( ${(M)arr:#(#i)*/$1/} )

... that works if the name matches exactly but:

arr=( ${(M)arr:#(#i)*/*$1*/} )

... that ends up too broad, $1 matches anywhere irrespective of slashes.

arr=( ${(M)arr:#(#i)*/*$1[^/]*/} )

... ends up too narrow, it catches a completed name but misses the exact match which puzzles me because I'd read that: '... anything except a slash, any number of characters or none' -- which should find the exact match: ' [^/]* ' should simply be empty, no?

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