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Re: array filtering

On Sun, Jun 9, 2024, at 1:49 PM, Ray Andrews wrote:
> arr=( ${(M)arr:#(#i)*/*$1[^/]*/} )
> ... ends up too narrow, it catches a completed name but misses the 
> exact match which puzzles me because I'd read that: '... anything 
> except a slash, any number of characters or none' -- which should find 
> the exact match: ' [^/]* ' should simply be empty, no?

No.  These are shell patterns, not regular expressions.  "[^/]*"
matches one non-"/" character followed by zero or more arbitrary

Since you're using EXTENDED_GLOB (something you always neglect to
mention), you can use "[^/]#" to match zero or more non-slashes.



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