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Re: Filename Expansion

The reason I stumbled upon this issue in the first place is perhaps it might be related to this awk script not behaving as expected :-
  "set -x ; echo ~'/path/to/file'" | getline output1
  "set -x ; echo ~''" | getline output2
  "set -x ; echo ~\"/path/to/file\"" | getline output3

  print output1
  print output2
  print output3

Running this script :-

❯ gawk -f script.awk
+ echo '~/path/to/file'
+ echo '~'
+ echo '~/path/to/file'
No tilde expansion occurs here as would in an interactive shell or a script.

You can follow the discussion on the script here if you wish to : https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-gawk/2024-10/index.html

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