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Re: why not promote the plague ? (brace|rc|alternative|modern) syntax

On Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 04:30:27PM -0500, Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
> > about it). I encourage people practice and to get used to it, promise
> > assistance but still, they don't want to use it.
> I don't blame people for avoiding such expansions.

I not blaming anyone :)

> I sometimes find them borderline illegible, too.

Advanced parameter expansions and zle configuration are the 2 things I
still struggle with nowadays but I realized that the very basic of it
is really helpful. The way I advertise it is "20% of the knowlegde will
let you cover 80% of the usecases".

What I add in mind is: there are some parts of zsh that are *way more*
difficult to understand than alternative syntax and still more wildly


Marc Chantreux
Pôle CESAR (Calcul et services avancés à la recherche)
Université de Strasbourg
14 rue René Descartes,

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