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"Watch" function?

I asked about this a *long* time ago, and heard nothing, so I'll forward the
idea again and see if it flies.

Instead of/in addition to being able to specify a format string for the
"watch" facility, how hard would it be to have a special function which, if
defined, would be called whenever the "watch" facility "saw" someone
login/logout?  (Akin to precmd(), periodic(), chpwd(), etc.)

My thought is to pop up a Perl/Tk window when someone logged in, rather than
just printing it in the xterm.

Does this sound do-able?  Would anyone even use it?  (Other than me, of

| Michael Campbell - mcampbel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :: I speak only for myself :: |
| Send me mail w/subject "send me pgp key" for my public PGP key.             |

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