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'remove slash' bug

I can never get this to happen when I want it to.

I've got the option set to that a trailing / will be removed

However, there are times when I am in the middle of a path and do control-e  
to get to the end of the line, and the / I put in (and wanted) is removed.

Maybe an example is better:

say I have this line, and the cursor is the _

# echo /something/really/long_

and then I move the cursor here

# echo /something/_really/long

and make it

# echo /something/very/really/long

with the cursor between the / and the r in really and then do control-e to  
goto the end of the line and it becomes

# echo /something/veryreally/long

Is that a bug of some sort or just what happens with that feature turned on ?


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