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Patch available for 3.0.6-pre-0

I've made up a preliminary patch for 3.0.6, which carries the version number
3.0.6-pre-0.  It's available at


(BSD)  19136    91
(SYSV) 57735 182 zsh-3.0.5-3.0.6-pre-0.diff

I'd appreciate feedback from anyone who grabs it and applies it.  Check for
anything that looks like it shouldn't be there (I had to excise a few of my
own local changes before generating the diff); and, in particular, if PWS
is listening and has a chance to check my adaptation of his zleread() fix
for IRIX cut'n'paste, that'd be great.

See the ChangeLog file for details of what's included; patch coverage goes
back to November 1997.  I didn't precisely preserve the ChangeLog format
because I generated the new entries with the cvs2cl Perl script posted to
the info-cvs mailing list a few weeks ago.  If anybody thinks this is a
problem, holler at me and I'll see about tweaking the script to spit out
the previous format.

Things that aren't done yet:

* The documentation isn't up to date with all the code changes.

* The texinfo documentation is out of sync with the man pages.

* I haven't done anything with Greg Badros's color completion patches.  I
  wasn't certain there was a consensus for including them, and there was
  some discussion of altering the implementation to be more 3.1.5-friendly.

* I haven't decided what to do with RCS $Id$ keywords.  I don't have the
  "original" RCS or CVS archives from Zoltan, and expanding those from my
  own CVS repository will set them back to the 1.somethings.  I'm tempted
  to simply remove them.  Any comments or suggestions?

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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