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new SourceForge terms

SourceForge are changing their terms and privacy policy.  As far as I
can see, the substantive changes are:

1. They can henceforth change the terms without notice, just by posting
   the new terms on the website.  (Currently they are obliged to give
   15 days notice by email, a period that we are currently in for this

2. They can henceforth remove user accounts without giving a reason.
   (Currently they are obliged to have a reason, though the set of
   acceptable reasons is open-ended.)

3. They're no longer obliged to make the contents of a deleted account
   available to its owner.  (There was previously a "reasonable effort"
   clause to that effect.)

4. They're no longer obliged to provide notice of changes to the privacy
   policy, unless the changes are "substantive".  (Currently they are
   obliged to provide notice of any change.)

5. The privacy policy is acquiring a disclaimer that amounts to "this
   is not true".  It actually disclaims the entire privacy policy.

Do we want to keep zsh hosted at SourceForge?  For me personally, item 1
alone is enough to want to remove my account.  Item 5 also seems pretty
serious, and 2-4 are dangerous.


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