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On Jul 18, 11:13am, Wayne Davison wrote:
} What do you think of the following?  (Hopefully my improved precmd
} function is not too complex.)

The echotc command now requires the termcap module ... I can't decide
whether I'm more concerned that (1) the module won't be available, or
that (2) the RI capability won't be.  However, neither concern is very

Reading this ...

} +  The problem is normally limited to zsh versions prior to 4.3.0 due to the
} +  advent of the PROMPT_SP option (which is enabled by default, and eliminates
} +  this problem for most terminals).  An example of the overwriting is:
}    verb(
}      % echo -n foo
}      % 
}    )

... I've begun to wonder whether we're only replacing one complaint ("the
prompt overwrites my output") with another ("'echo -n' doesn't work, I
always get a newline").

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