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Re: Bug#355430: zsh: acroread completion prints debugging information

> My only guess is that it has something to do with NULLGLOB and the junk
> that would get spewed out by $(<$command[$words[1]]) in the event that
> it really was reading directly from a binary executable.

No, it happens for me too, and I don't have acroread installed.
Somehow the caret is Plan9-ing away the "ver=" outside the ${}
or something.

Index: Completion/X/Command/_acroread
RCS file: /cvsroot/zsh/zsh/Completion/X/Command/_acroread,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 _acroread
--- Completion/X/Command/_acroread	10 May 2005 12:26:24 -0000	1.5
+++ Completion/X/Command/_acroread	25 Mar 2006 18:31:38 -0000
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
 # Try extracting the version number directly from the executable.
 # (This will fail if the executable is a wrapper script for acroread.)
-local ver=${${${(f)"$(<$commands[$words[1]])"}:#^ver=*}##ver=}
+local ver=${${${(f)"$(<$commands[$words[1]])"}:#(#s)ver=*}##ver=}
 [[ -n $ver ]] && _acroread_version=$ver
 if (( ! $+_acroread_version )); then
   local acropath=${${(s. .)${${(f)"$($words[1] -help 2>&1)"}[1]}}[2]}
-  _acroread_version=${${${(f)"$(<$acropath)"}:#^ver=*}##ver=}
+  _acroread_version=${${${(f)"$(<$acropath)"}:#(#s)ver=*}##ver=}
 if [[ $_acroread_version == 7.* ]]; then

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