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Re: Bug#355430: zsh: acroread completion prints debugging information

On Mar 25,  1:34pm, Clint Adams wrote:
} No, it happens for me too, and I don't have acroread installed.
} Somehow the caret is Plan9-ing away the "ver=" outside the ${}
} or something.

That doesn't seem to be it either.  E.g.:

schaefer<502> print -R ver=${${${(f)"$(</dev/null)"}:#^ver=*}##ver=}

Furthermore, this ...
} +local ver=${${${(f)"$(<$commands[$words[1]])"}:#(#s)ver=*}##ver=}

... does not work for me at all.  The "^" does not mean "anchor at
beginning", it means "do NOT match the following pattern".  What's
really wanted is:

local ver=${${${(Mf)"$(<$commands[$words[1]])"}:#ver=*}##ver=}

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