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Re: Debian _deb_packages_update_uninstalled() doesn't use cache?


On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 4:36 AM, Matt Wozniski wrote:
> As the subject indicates, this is a problem I have with a Debian
> specific completer, but, since it's in CVS, I figured this is the
> right place to ask... Let me know if I'm wrong.
> Anyway, if I'm reading these functions right, then
> _deb_packages_update_avail() and _deb_packages_update_installed() use
> the cache, but _deb_packages_update_uninstalled() doesn't - even
> though depends upon the cached data of _update_avail() and
> _update_installed().  _update_uninstalled() seems to just be filtering
> out the available packages (as found by _update_avail()) that are also
> installed (as found by _update_installed()) so that they aren't
> suggested as possible packages to install.  It seems to me that we're
> not caching the operation that's most time consuming, even though it's
> outcome is based entirely upon two operations whose outcomes are
> cached.  As a result, completion for "aptitude install" (which uses
> "_deb_packages uninstalled") is much slower than for "apt-get install"
> (which uses "_deb_packages available") on my machine, at least for the
> first completion in a newly opened shell.
> Anyone have any insight to why _deb_packages_update_uninstalled()
> might be doing this, or is this a bug?
> ~Matt

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