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D03 test hang on cygwin with latest sources

Peter -

It looks like something bad happened with your process redirection
changes.  After building from the latest CVS sources, I ran the
testsuite and got a hang in D03.  A ZTST_verbose=2 trace follows.

ZTST_verbose=2 make TESTNUM=D03
if test -n "/usr/bin/gcc-4"; then \
          cd .. && DESTDIR= \
          make MODDIR=`pwd`/Test/Modules install.modules > /dev/null; \
if ZTST_testlist="`for f in /usr/local/src/zsh-2008-11-20/Test/D03*.ztst; \
           do echo $f; done`" \
         ZTST_srcdir="/usr/local/src/zsh-2008-11-20/Test" \
         ZTST_exe=../Src/zsh.exe \
         ../Src/zsh.exe +Z -f
/usr/local/src/zsh-2008-11-20/Test/runtests.zsh; then \
         stat=0; \
        else \
         stat=1; \
        fi; \
        rm -rf Modules .zcompdump; \
        exit $stat
/usr/local/src/zsh-2008-11-20/Test/D03procsubst.ztst: starting.
ZTST_getsect: read section name: prep
ZTST_getchunk: read code chunk:
  if grep '#define PATH_DEV_FD' $ZTST_testdir/../config.h > /dev/null 2>&1 ||
     grep '#define HAVE_FIFOS' $ZTST_testdir/../config.h > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    mkdir procsubst.tmp
    cd procsubst.tmp
    print 'First\tSecond\tThird\tFourth' >FILE1
    print 'Erste\tZweite\tDritte\tVierte' >FILE2
    ZTST_unimplemented="process substitution is not supported"
ZTST_execchunk: status 0
ZTST_getchunk: read code chunk:
  function copycat { cat "$@" }
ZTST_execchunk: status 0
ZTST_getchunk: read code chunk:

ZTST_getsect: read section name: test
ZTST_test: looking for new test
ZTST_test: examining line:
  paste <(cut -f1 FILE1) <(cut -f3 FILE2)
ZTST_getchunk: read code chunk:
  paste <(cut -f1 FILE1) <(cut -f3 FILE2)
ZTST_test: examining line:
>First  Dritte
ZTST_getredir: read redir for '>':
First   Dritte
ZTST_test: examining line:

Running test: <(...) substitution
ZTST_test: expecting status: 0
Input: /tmp/zsh.ztst.in.1164, output: /tmp/zsh.ztst.out.1164, error:
ZTST_execchunk: status 0
ZTST_test: test produced standard output:
First   Dritte
ZTST_test: and standard error:

Test successful.
ZTST_test: looking for new test
ZTST_test: examining line:

ZTST_test: examining line:
  { paste <(cut -f2 FILE1) <(cut -f4 FILE2) } > >(sed 's/e/E/g' >OUTFILE)
ZTST_getchunk: read code chunk:
  { paste <(cut -f2 FILE1) <(cut -f4 FILE2) } > >(sed 's/e/E/g' >OUTFILE)
ZTST_test: examining line:
>SEcond ViErtE
ZTST_getredir: read redir for '>':
SEcond  ViErtE
ZTST_test: examining line:

Running test: >(...) substitution
ZTST_test: expecting status: 0
Input: /tmp/zsh.ztst.in.1164, output: /tmp/zsh.ztst.out.1164, error:
ZTST_execchunk: status 0
ZTST_test: test produced standard output:
SEcond  ViErtE
ZTST_test: and standard error:

Test successful.
ZTST_test: looking for new test
ZTST_test: examining line:

ZTST_test: examining line:
  diff =(cat FILE1) =(cat FILE2)
ZTST_getchunk: read code chunk:
  diff =(cat FILE1) =(cat FILE2)
ZTST_test: examining line:
ZTST_getredir: read redir for '>':
< First Second  Third   Fourth
> Erste Zweite  Dritte  Vierte
ZTST_test: examining line:

Running test: =(...) substituion
ZTST_test: expecting status: 1
Input: /tmp/zsh.ztst.in.1164, output: /tmp/zsh.ztst.out.1164, error:
ZTST_execchunk: status 1
ZTST_test: test produced standard output:
< First Second  Third   Fourth
> Erste Zweite  Dritte  Vierte
ZTST_test: and standard error:

Test successful.
ZTST_test: looking for new test
ZTST_test: examining line:

ZTST_test: examining line:
  copycat <(print First) <(print Zweite)
ZTST_getchunk: read code chunk:
  copycat <(print First) <(print Zweite)
ZTST_test: examining line:
ZTST_getredir: read redir for '>':
ZTST_test: examining line:

Running test: FDs remain open for external commands called from functions
ZTST_test: expecting status: 0
Input: /tmp/zsh.ztst.in.1164, output: /tmp/zsh.ztst.out.1164, error:
ZTST_execchunk: status 0
ZTST_test: test produced standard output:
ZTST_test: and standard error:

Test successful.
ZTST_test: looking for new test
ZTST_test: examining line:

ZTST_test: examining line:
  catfield2() {
ZTST_getchunk: read code chunk:
  catfield2() {
    local -a args
    print $args[1]
    cat $args[2]
    print $args[3]
  catfield2 up,<(print $'\x64'own),sideways
ZTST_test: examining line:
ZTST_getredir: read redir for '>':
ZTST_test: examining line:

Running test: <(...) when embedded within an argument
ZTST_test: expecting status: 0
Input: /tmp/zsh.ztst.in.1164, output: /tmp/zsh.ztst.out.1164, error:
ZTST_execchunk: status 0
ZTST_test: test produced standard output:
ZTST_test: and standard error:

Test successful.
ZTST_test: looking for new test
ZTST_test: examining line:

ZTST_test: examining line:
  outputfield2() {
ZTST_getchunk: read code chunk:
  outputfield2() {
    local -a args
    print $args[1]
    echo 'How sweet the moonlight sits upon the bank' >$args[2]
    print $args[3]
  outputfield2 muddy,>(sed -e s/s/th/g >outputfield2.txt),vesture
  # yuk
  while [[ ! -e outputfield2.txt || ! -s outputfield2.txt ]]; do :; done
  cat outputfield2.txt
ZTST_test: examining line:
ZTST_getredir: read redir for '>':
How thweet the moonlight thitth upon the bank
ZTST_test: examining line:

Running test: >(...) when embedded within an argument
ZTST_test: expecting status: 0
Input: /tmp/zsh.ztst.in.1164, output: /tmp/zsh.ztst.out.1164, error:
make: *** [check] Interrupt

The last time I built the shell on this platform, 2008-10-12, this test passed.

Please let me know if you need any further diagnosis.


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