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Re: Is this a bug? Why not?

On Apr 1,  1:26am, Phil Pennock wrote:
} Subject: Re: Is this a bug? Why not?
} On 2010-03-31 at 08:11 -0700, Bart Schaefer wrote:
} > Incidentally, this came up because of a discussion on the POSIX standards
} > mailing list (austin-group) in which David Korn just asserted that he'd
} > like to add the syntax ${"var"} which means to expand the value of var
} > as if it's quoted (what zsh's normal mode does all the time).
} > 
} > I was hoping to be able to say "Oh, zsh already has syntax XYZ for that"
} > but in fact we don't -- zsh either always, or never, does it, depending
} > on the globsubst option; there's no way to flip globsubst on the fly.
} No *neat* syntax.
} % ls
} lib         viewvc.conf
} % print -l ${~~foo-${(~):-*}}

That isn't really what you mean, is it?  The (~) flag only applies to
the (j::) et al. strings.

However, it's not even necessary to do the ${:-*} thing, ${~~foo-*} is

For austin-group purposes, however, I was hoping for something that did
not rely on parameter expansion flags.  E.g., why doesn't the following
cause $foo to be quoted?

schaefer[516] ARGV0=sh Src/zsh
$ foo="???"
$ print ${foo+"$foo"}
Doc Etc Src

It works in bash.

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