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Re: Crash in reverse-menu-complete with menu-selection

On 24 August 2010 17:16, Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Aug 24,  3:48pm, Mikael Magnusson wrote:
> } Subject: Crash in reverse-menu-complete with menu-selection
> }
> } % zsh -f
> } % autoload compinit
> } % compinit -D
> } % zmodload zsh/complist
> } % bindkey '^F' menu-select
> } % bindkey '^B' reverse-menu-complete
> } % ls <ctrl-f><enter><ctrl-f><ctrl-b>
> }
> } Reproduced on 4.3.2 (32bit), 4.3.6 and current cvs.
> I can't reproduce, but when I hit that first ctrl-f I still get nothing,
> as reported in the earlier thread about menu-select crashing.

Which one?

> I suspect this is still the same menu-select bug, just leaving some
> corrupted memory as a land mine for reverse-menu-complete to step on.
> If you add before bindkey
>  zmodload zsh/compctl
> does the crash go away?

No. It's odd that you can't reproduce, the three versions are on
different machines and everything.

Mikael Magnusson

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