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Re: completers using zstat don't work with zmodload -F zsh/stat

On Jul 27,  6:44pm, Mikael Magnusson wrote:
} Subject: Re: completers using zstat don't work with zmodload -F zsh/stat
} # alias zstat='builtin stat'
} # rm $fpath[3].zwc*
} removed `/usr/local/share/zsh/4.3.12-dev-1/functions.zwc'
} removed `/usr/local/share/zsh/4.3.12-dev-1/functions.zwc.old'
} # for a ($fpath) {[ -w $a:r -a $a/_*(N[1]) ] && zrecompile -p -U -z
} $a.zwc $a/_*}
} re-compiling /usr/local/share/zsh/4.3.12-dev-1/functions.zwc: succeeded
} % umount <tab>
} _canonical_paths_add_paths:6: no such builtin: stat

This must be happening because _canonical_paths_add_paths isn't actually
defined until _canonical_paths is executed, so the -U option to zcompile
doesn't have a chance to come into effect.

This is going to be a problem with any completion source file that has
multiple embedded function definitions.

It MIGHT help to both use "zcompile -a" and also change _canonical_paths
from using

    _canonical_paths_add_paths () {

to using the load-once paradigm

    (( $+functions[__canonical_paths_add_paths] )) ||
    _canonical_paths_add_paths () {

but I'm not confident of that.

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