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Re: [PATCH] vcs_info git: Fix stagedstr for empty repos

Frank Terbeck wrote on Mon, Jun 02, 2014 at 15:19:34 +0200:
> Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> [...]
> >> I'm with Aaron on this one. IIRC, git uses the diff-index command in
> >> various places, so I don't think it'll be removed anytime soon.
> >
> > My concern was not with using diff-index but with using the empty tree.
> > Since Aaron says using it would be robust, let's just use it.  Attached.
> I see. I suppose this would only change, if git decides to change its
> hashing algorithm. That's a problem for another day, I guess. :)

Well, the people from the future who run into this problem can try my
original patch --- either the ls-files solution it implements, or the
hash-object solution it describes in a comment, might work even if the
hashing algorithm changes backwards-incompatibly.

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