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Re: trouble with debugging binary

   Sadly, rebuilding without --enable-zsh-debug is sort of like
   removing the batteries from your smoke detector. There may still be
   a fire, but you just aren't hearing about it any more.

I just played with --enable-zsh-debug a bit more, and funny thing is that the errors sorta just go away after a while, if you give it time. By the third attempt at a
completion, everything is just fine. God knows.

   pts/5 HP-y5--5-Debian1 root /aMisc/Ray1/Src $ ./zsh,1,debugging
   6: text.c:865: unknown word code in gettext2()
   1: text.c:865: unknown word code in gettext2()
   7: text.c:865: unknown word code in gettext2()
   8: text.c:865: unknown word code in gettext2()

... but it always does that on starting that binary.

Fiddling with it:

   typeset -g TLC

... even when the function is empty, the error is still there.

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