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highlight test cases (was Re: [BUG?] If true-color is used, overlapping colors do not work)

On 11 Nov, Sebastian Gniazdowski wrote:
> I have new fresh test file which I hope brings the X04 test to some
> new stage or level. The lines sent to zpty now aren't repeated,

Sorry, I hadn't found time to look at this. Given that ensuring
portability has proved tricky with the existing zpty based tests I'm
rather leery of including new ones and would be happier if someone else
were to take a look.

The tests now pass on my system.

> I've used zle -T tc tcfunc, which sets REPLY="", i.e. discards the
> codes. Should I change them to something? Because I'm only getting LE

If removing them works for the particular tests then I'd have thought
this was fine.

> I'm currently removing following escapes from all zpty output:
> - ^[[?2004h
> - ^[[?2004l

unsetting zle_bracketed_paste will prevent zsh from generating these
which is better than removing them afterwards.

> PS. Didn't yet search for terminfo file, just did export
> TERM=xterm-256, not actually sure how to search for the definition

Searching probably isn't easy to do portably. Perhaps guessing like this
is better, but it would be good to check $termcap[Co] afterwards and
skip tests as appropriate.

>       { zpty -r zsh } | sed $'/[^[:space:]]/!d; s/\r$//; s/\x1b\\[[0-9;]*m//g; s/\x1b\\[[JK]//g; s/\x1b\\[?[0-9]*[hl]//g' | while read REPLY; do REPLY=${REPLY//(#b)((?(#c0,1))$cm(?(#c0,1)))/${${${(M)match[2]:#${match[3]}}:+${match[2]}}:-${${match[1]##[[:space:]]##}%%[[:space:]]##}}}; print -rn -- "$REPLY"; done

This use of sed isn't portable. In particular, the use of semi-colons to
separate commands and the [[:space:]] character class are extensions.
You can use literal spaces and multiple -e options. Either that
or do the substitutions in zsh.

The heirloom project (http://heirloom.sourceforge.net/tools.html) is a
good source for lowest common denominator versions of Unix tools if you
don't have an old OS available.


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