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Re: Rewrite of zsh-newuser-install

On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 6:51 AM dana <dana@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sorry in advance for how inherently bike-sheddy this whole process will be. :/

That's OK. Besides doing software development, I also work as a UX
designer. I'm used to getting critiqued and lots of people having
opinions. :)

I will adapt most or all of your suggestions, but I do have some
comments/questions regarding some of your remarks:

> > zstyle ':completion:*:(functions|parameters|users)' ignored-patterns '[[:punct:]]*[[:alnum:]]*'
> Not sure about this. I like hiding completion functions (which i did in mine),
> because their naming format is pseudo-reserved for zsh by convention, and i've
> seen many people confused by their appearance in completion possibilities. But
> anything beyond that seems heavy-handed for a default.

There are various Zsh plugins and plugin managers that mark private
functions and parameters with various punctuation prefixes. It's
annoying to get these randomly inserted into completions and makes the
completion system that much harder to use. Since there is no
consistency between plugins & plugin managers what prefix to use for
private functions and all punctuation symbols appear to be fair game,
I prefer to use a blanket ignore pattern like this. I haven't yet
found a case where it would hide something that I would actually want
to see. Additionally, as someone else pointed out, macOS has a ton of
system users with names that start with underscores. You generally
don't want to see those either.

> One thing i definitely don't like is the _lowercase function,
> since as i mentioned that naming convention is pseudo-reserved.

Well, that function is used for completions, so I felt that it made it
OK to use the _ prefix. However, I will happily remove the lowercase
sorting logic altogether.

> Thanks for resurrecting this idea btw

You're welcome. Thanks for your thoughtful comments. :)

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