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Re: Rewrite of zsh-newuser-install (Mikael's subthread)

On 4/9/21, Marlon <marlon.richert@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 7 Apr 2021, at 21:15, Mikael Magnusson <mikachu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> You could also just have a comment saying something to the effect of
>> "changes to this file will only take effect in new shells, you can
>> either open a new terminal or type "zsh" in an existing terminal". I
>> guess I don't care too much either way after all.
> The problem is that many new users have learned from OMZ and other sources
> that they should do `source ~/.zshrc` to apply changes. I originally had a
> note that said you should instead either restart your terminal or type `exec
> zsh`, but then Oliver & Bart came up with the current solution.
>>> Personally, I would’ve preferred `setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS
>>> SHARE_HISTORY`, but there were several votes against that earlier in
>>> this
>>> thread.
>> I'm glad, those are even worse :).
> Why? What’s so bad about those?

Typical worst case problem is you run a command, look at your
terminal, press up twice and enter, and you've accidentally deleted
your entire home directory.

>> Well, I'd have the same objection to either of them, that it's quite a
>> huge departure from the standard mode of operation which is typing
>> normally and pressing tab to complete words.
> I think it’s a great feature that very people actually know about. Besides
> that, even when using `interactive`, you’re still typing normally and
> pressing Tab to complete words. It doesn’t change that. Have you tried the
> feature?

I have tried it, but as you note:

> Nope, doesn’t work either. It inserts the selection but does not advance to
> the next completion.
> Nope, in `interactive` mode, it just inserts the unambiguous part and that’s
> it.

It doesn't work that well.

Mikael Magnusson

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