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Re: [PATCH] (?) typeset array[position=index]=value

On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 7:20 AM Stephane Chazelas <stephane@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> $dryrun typeset hash[$key]=1 # here typeset not recognised as
>                              # keyword

Same for "builtin typeset ..." of course.

> let 'hash[$key] = 1' # yes, it works despite the single quotes

I'm surprised that solves the \`()[] problem.  I suspect it's
accidental and has to do with a different meaning of [...] in math

> Parsing rules are different because we are in different
> contexts. For unset hash[$key] or unset hash[(e)*] to treat
> those as associative array lvalue, and not globs, it would need
> to be a reserved word, like typeset above.

That's true regarding globs, but I've just had a hand-slaps-forehead
moment ... take 3 to follow in another thread.

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