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Re: [PATCH] Add customizable `vcs` prompt theme (was Re: [RFC][PATCH] `newuser` prompt theme)
On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 12:30 PM Roman Perepelitsa
<roman.perepelitsa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> There is //'%%'/% in a few places. What's the logic behind it?
Some prompt escape codes (such as %b for bold) need %% when used in
vcs_info -- except when they are used in nvcsformats.
> I think invoking prompt_vcs_setup twice in the same shell will produce
> an error. I haven't tried it though.
I just tried it and I didn't get any errors. Why do you think it would
produce an error?
> prompt_vcs_chpwd always prints at least one line to the TTY regardless
> of configuration options. Is this intended?
Yes, that was my intention, but I can see how it could be useful to be
able to customize that. I'll change it.
> Why is prompt_vcs_precmd checking whether prompt_vcs_fd is a readable
> fd? How can it not be?
I don't know how or why, but if I don't check for that, then I get
this error repeatedly:
prompt_vcs_precmd:6: failed to close file descriptor 11: bad file descriptor
> There is a comment in prompt_vcs_precmd that says it's going to kill a
> process while in fact it closes the file descriptor. That may
> *eventually* kill the process when it decides to print something
> (assuming it hasn't blocked SIGPIPE or is checking for write errors).
True. I'll change it to actually kill the process, too.
> What is the purpose of the "Info is not for current dir" check? Is
> this to account for the possibility of `cd` from a zle widget? If so,
> perhaps handle this by hooking chpwd?
The purpose is to account for the possibility that we receive the info
_after_ we've already changed to a new dir. However, if I correct the
piece of code you mentioned previously, then that shouldn't be
> prompt_vcs_fd-widget has a check for [[ -n $1 ]]. When is it false?
When prompt_vcs_fd-widget is being called incorrectly. :) Perhaps it
should not return 1 in that case, though.
Thanks again. New version of the patch attached.
From 11f84b43e90854ae4c03aa072e110ec494da2d33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marlon Richert <marlon.richert@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2021 16:45:30 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Add customizable `vcs` prompt theme
Functions/Prompts/prompt_vcs_setup | 199 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 199 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 Functions/Prompts/prompt_vcs_setup
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_vcs_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_vcs_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2f2e6cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_vcs_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# Prompt that can be customized through vcs_info
+zmodload -F zsh/system p:sysparams
+autoload -Uz add-zle-hook-widget add-zsh-hook vcs_info
+# Prompt segments
+# Normal %b and %(...) need extra % in vcs_info -- except in nvcsformats.
+readonly -gHA _prompt_vcs_ps1_default=(
+ left $'%%(?,%F{green},%F{red})%#%%b%f%%s '
+ right '%B%F{blue}%n%b%f%k@%F{magenta}%m%f'
+ chpwd $'\n%B%F{blue}%~%%b%f/\n'
+ staged '%B%F{green}+%b%f'
+ unstaged '%B%F{red}*%b%f'
+ action '%B%F{red}%a%%b%f'
+ branch '%B%F{cyan}%b%%b%f'
+ repo '|%B%F{blue}%r%%b%f'
+prompt_vcs_help() {
+ print -r -- \
+"Customizable prompt theme that includes VCS info for the current dir (for
+example, git status) and asynchronously checks for repo changes.
+To customize it, copy-paste any of the code below to your .zshrc file and edit
+it there:
+ # For each of the following three entries:
+ # 1st string is the left prompt.
+ # 2nd string is the right prompt.
+ # 3rd string is printed whenever you change dirs (before the left prompt).
+ # Normal prompt:
+ zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' nvcsformats \\
+ "${(q+)_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[left]//'%%'/%}" \\
+ "${(q+)_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[right]//'%%'/%}" \\
+ "${(q+)_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[chpwd]//'%%'/%}"
+ # Prompt inside VCS repo:
+ zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' formats \\
+ ${(q+)_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[left]} \\
+ ${(q+):-%u%c$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[branch]$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[repo]} \\
+ ${(q+)_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[chpwd]}
+ # Prompt during ongoing VCS action:
+ zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' actionformats \\
+ ${(q+)_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[left]} \\
+ ${(q+):-%u%c$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[action]$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[repo]} \\
+ ${(q+)_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[chpwd]}
+ # These customize the values of %c and %u, respectively:
+ zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' stagedstr ${(q+)_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[staged]}
+ zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' unstagedstr ${(q+)_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[unstaged]}
+For more info on the settings above, see
+http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Prompt-Expansion.html and the end of
+# Sets a style if it hasn't been set yet.
+_prompt_vcs_zstyle() {
+ local -a val
+ zstyle -g val "$1" "$2"
+ (( $#val )) ||
+ zstyle "$@"
+_prompt_vcs_info() {
+ _prompt_vcs_zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' max-exports 3 # Default is 2.
+ _prompt_vcs_zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' nvcsformats \
+ "${_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[left]//'%%'/%}" \
+ "${_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[right]//'%%'/%}" \
+ "${_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[chpwd]//'%%'/%}"
+ _prompt_vcs_zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' formats \
+ "$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[left]" \
+ "%u%c$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[branch]$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[repo]" \
+ "$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[chpwd]"
+ _prompt_vcs_zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' actionformats \
+ "$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[left]" \
+ "%u%c$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[action]$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[repo]" \
+ "$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[chpwd]"
+ _prompt_vcs_zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' stagedstr \
+ "$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[staged]"
+ _prompt_vcs_zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' unstagedstr \
+ "$_prompt_vcs_ps1_default[unstaged]"
+ vcs_info prompt_vcs # Call with namespace.
+ print -rNC1 -- \
+ "${(q+)vcs_info_msg_0_}" "${(q+)vcs_info_msg_1_}" "${(q+)vcs_info_msg_2_}"
+prompt_vcs_chpwd() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ # Don't check for changes at this point, for performance reasons.
+ typeset -ga _prompt_vcs_info_msg_=( "${(0@Q)$(
+ _prompt_vcs_zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' check-for-changes no
+ _prompt_vcs_zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' check-for-staged-changes no
+ _prompt_vcs_info
+ )}" )
+ PS1="$_prompt_vcs_info_msg_[1]"
+ RPS1="$_prompt_vcs_info_msg_[2]"
+ print -nPr -- "$_prompt_vcs_info_msg_[3]"
+# We need to use line-init instead of precmd, because any widget can
+# potentially change the state of the repo or change dir without accepting or
+# aborting the command line.
+prompt_vcs_line-init() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ # Terminate any pending vcs_info request before starting a new one.
+ # Second test checks if fd is readable, to avoid this error being printed:
+ # failed to close file descriptor XX: bad file descriptor
+ if (( prompt_vcs_fd )) && { : <&$prompt_vcs_fd } 2>/dev/null; then
+ zle -F "$prompt_vcs_fd" 2> /dev/null
+ exec {prompt_vcs_fd}<&-
+ fi
+ if (( prompt_vcs_pid )); then
+ [[ -o monitor ]] &&
+ (( prompt_vcs_pid *= -1 ))
+ kill -KILL $prompt_vcs_pid 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ # Asynchronously check for changes.
+ typeset -gH prompt_vcs_fd=
+ exec {prompt_vcs_fd}< <(
+ print -r -- $sysparams[pid]
+ _prompt_vcs_zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' check-for-changes yes
+ _prompt_vcs_zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt_vcs:*' check-for-staged-changes yes
+ _prompt_vcs_info
+ )
+ typeset -gH prompt_vcs_pid=
+ read -u $prompt_vcs_fd -- prompt_vcs_pid
+ # Add callback. Needs to be a widget, so we can refresh the prompt.
+ zle -Fw "$prompt_vcs_fd" prompt_vcs_fd-widget
+# Callback widget for our async fetch of VCS changes
+zle -N prompt_vcs_fd-widget
+prompt_vcs_fd-widget() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ (( $1 )) ||
+ return 64 # EX_USAGE; see man 3 sysexits
+ local -i fd=$1
+ local -a reply
+ {
+ zle -F "$fd" # Detach ourselves, so we don't get called more than once.
+ [[ -z $2 ]] ||
+ return 74 # EX_IOERR
+ IFS=$'\0' read -Aru "$fd"
+ typeset -gHa _prompt_vcs_info_msg_=( "${(@Q)reply}" )
+ PS1="$_prompt_vcs_info_msg_[1]"
+ RPS1="$_prompt_vcs_info_msg_[2]"
+ zle .reset-prompt
+ } always {
+ exec {fd}<&-
+ }
+prompt_vcs_setup() {
+ prompt_opts=( cr percent sp ) # Tell promptinit which options to set.
+ # Indent left continuation prompt for each open shell construct.
+ local -a indent=( '%('{1..36}'_, ,)' )
+ PS2="${(j::)indent}"
+ RPS2='%F{yellow}# %^%f'
+ PS4=$'#->%(?,%F{green},%B%F{red}%S)%?%b%f%s\t%e+%F{green}%1N%f:%I'
+ PS4+=' %(1_,%F{yellow}%K{black}%_%f%k ,)'
+ SPROMPT='Correct %B%F{red}%S%R%b%f%s to %B%F{green}%r%b%f?'
+ SPROMPT+=$'\n%{\e[2m%}%Uy%ues %Un%uo %Ue%udit %Ua%ubort%b '
+ PROMPT_EOL_MARK='%F{cyan}%S%#%f%s'
+ zle_highlight=(
+ isearch:fg=black,bg=yellow
+ special:fg=cyan,bold
+ region:fg=white,bg=blue,bold
+ suffix:fg=white,bg=blue,bold
+ paste:bold
+ )
+ add-zsh-hook chpwd prompt_vcs_chpwd
+ add-zle-hook-widget line-init prompt_vcs_line-init
+ prompt_vcs_chpwd
+prompt_vcs_setup "$@"
2.30.1 (Apple Git-130)
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