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Re: man completion

On Mon, May 16, 2022 at 12:41 PM Bart Schaefer
<schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here's a patch that attempts to (1) skip the cache entirely if the -M
> option appears

Hm, my "man man" says of -M
> ... overrides the $MANPATH environment variable and causes option -m to be ignored.

Whereas the AIX help string in _man says
> '-m[only search paths specified by -M/MANPATH]'

And of course on linux/macos/dragonfly/freebsd -m means to search
manuals of other operating systems, whereas on netbsd/openbsd it means
to append to MANPATH.

The last of those seems to be the only alternative actually supported.

First question, if the argument to -M has leading/doubled/trailing
colons, is it supposed to be treated like $MANPATH with respect to
adding the system paths?  (It doesn't appear so, on Ubuntu 20 at

Second, does anyone know where the manuals of other OSs would be found?

Third, what additional locations should be searched on AIX when -m is
not present?  (And does anyone care?)

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