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Re: man completion

Thank you for looking into this.

Inspired by your messages, I have been able to solve my problem. Just to
clarify, my issue was not that zsh would not pick up changes made to
MANPATH after the shell is started. I set MANPATH in /etc/profile which
is read by zsh and I was confused that it was not being appended to the
standard paths even though it started with a colon. Turns out the
problem was that I was using mandoc instead of man-db as the man
provider, which however does not provide the manpath command.

This is probably still a bug though, as the comment in _man claims that
the function assumes either man-db or mandoc is used on Linux.

> First question, if the argument to -M has leading/doubled/trailing
> colons, is it supposed to be treated like $MANPATH with respect to
> adding the system paths?  (It doesn't appear so, on Ubuntu 20 at
> least).

The manual page does not mention that it should be combined in any way -
it only says _override_.

> Third, what additional locations should be searched on AIX when -m is
> not present?  (And does anyone care?)

Judging by the manual [1], probably just the /usr/share/man directory

[1] https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/aix/7.2?topic=m-man-command


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