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Superfluous completion for noglob

Hi all,

I feel that using the 'noglob' precommand adds superfluous items to the 
completion list.
To reproduce, for example for command 'cd':
    zsh -f
    autoload compinit; compinit
    cd <Tab>
        [Only directories are shown, as I would expect]
    noglob cd <Tab>
        [Many regular files etc. are also offered.]

Pressing 'Ctrl-x h' after 'noglob cd' reveals:
    tags in context :completion::complete:cd::
        local-directories   (_cd)
    tags in context :completion::complete:noglob::
        use-compctl         (_default _python_argcomplete_global)
        globbed-files       (_files _default _python_argcomplete_global)

I would expect that plain 'cd' and 'noglob cd' offer the same completion items.

Is this a bug, or can I change this on my own?
Thanks, Patrick

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