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Re: Valid Links?

Thanks very much for taking the time to respond to my questions.

> On Aug 27, 2024, at 5:59 PM, Oliver Kiddle <opk@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Bev in TX wrote:
>> I’m just a brand new ZSH newbie, but I do have a couple questions about this.  Those Linux Magazine articles with the broken links are very old, they were written 20-22 years ago.  
>> Is everything in the articles still valid today?
> Essentially yes. One effect of remaining backward compatible is that
> almost everything that was true 20 years ago remains so today. There are
> newer features that won't be covered but many of those would be less
> interesting to a newbie. In some ways the biggest changes are all the
> external plugins and wider ecosystem. But learning the older core features
> may make a bigger difference than enabling flashy colourful themes and
> the like.
> The "introductory document"
> (https://zsh.sourceforge.io/Intro/intro_toc.html) is even older but is
> very good. That does cover the old deprecated compctl completion system
> which is still there but was replaced long ago. So skip anything you
> read about compctl.
>> Are there more recent articles that might provide more up to date information?
>> Who would even know about that?
> Certainly there are. I've not come across much in proper publications
> such as the old Linux Magazine as opposed to personal blogs. To find
> them, I'd need to use a search engine but I'm sure you can do that for
> yourself.
> Oliver

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