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Re: Valid Links?

Bev in TX wrote:
> I’m just a brand new ZSH newbie, but I do have a couple questions about this.  Those Linux Magazine articles with the broken links are very old, they were written 20-22 years ago.  
> Is everything in the articles still valid today?

Essentially yes. One effect of remaining backward compatible is that
almost everything that was true 20 years ago remains so today. There are
newer features that won't be covered but many of those would be less
interesting to a newbie. In some ways the biggest changes are all the
external plugins and wider ecosystem. But learning the older core features
may make a bigger difference than enabling flashy colourful themes and
the like.

The "introductory document"
(https://zsh.sourceforge.io/Intro/intro_toc.html) is even older but is
very good. That does cover the old deprecated compctl completion system
which is still there but was replaced long ago. So skip anything you
read about compctl.

> Are there more recent articles that might provide more up to date information?
> Who would even know about that?

Certainly there are. I've not come across much in proper publications
such as the old Linux Magazine as opposed to personal blogs. To find
them, I'd need to use a search engine but I'm sure you can do that for


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