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Re: Valid Links?

Clinton Bunch wrote:
> I would like to take a stab at a reorganization and updating to use more 
> style sheet and less tables.  I want to add a dark mode and support for 
> mobile browsers as well as keep zeurkous request for  text based browser 
> support in mind.  (though elinks' partial support of CSS may be 
> problematic) I'd also like to reorganize so there isn't so much 
> duplicate information scattered all over the site.

That sounds great.

> First question, is there a reason we host a single page at zsh.org and 
> the bulk of the site at source forge?

That's only done for historical reasons relating to the previously
separate hosting for some things like the mailing list archives. The
reasons behind that went away when we moved to the current mailing list
hosting. There was a plan to consolidate the content of the two sites
and put the primary content on www.zsh.org directly, perhaps retaining a
mirror on sourceforge. But neither me nor Daniel ever got around to
doing that, in part because the site is in need of a more substantial

> Also note I have a public web server where a beta can be hosted before 
> updating the main site.

Sounds like a good approach for initial prototyping.

If you need help getting at the old content, let me know. The
sourceforge files are in git. You can get the various forms that the
logo came in from github.com/Zsh-art/logo

We should probably try to make it easier to include consistent release
notes across both the source distribution and web pages. So instead of
it being divided between the NEWS and README files, we could perhaps
separate it out in a manner similar to how git does and have, e.g.

Documentation and list archives are produced with texi2html and mhonarc,


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